Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Animated Bumblebee
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2008
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Reviews - Animated Bumblebee
The BIG guys are small on toys, the SMALL guys are big toys...grrrr.....this is an ok figure.
i would say less interesting to me than the elite guard version. still good but out of skail and the stripe is unredimibly on the rong side. nevermind though. still a good figure next to my other animated figures. next jetpack bumblebee
oh man animated is still in stores at lest i got the ice cream truck twins alsome
like gen1 bb mixed with (some of) sonic the hedgehogs speed and spider-mans quick wit
I really dislike the look of Bumblebee's robot head, and the one I got (in the 3-pack w/Movie & universe BB) had its shoulder cup immediately crack. Stupid weapon as well. Not a bad transformation, tho, and pretty posable.
Dang he's a cute lil' dude. His transformation real nice but the rockets can be pretty annoying to keep on. The stingers isn't that bad to me. IJust love this guy!
I haven't got the toy but the charcher (sorry, I can't spell) is funny and after starscream he's my fav charcher! Rock on Bumblebee Bee
Good figure but a few things could be fixed-stingers don't fold in all the way, needs a bit more paint to be accurate and head lights don't stand out and there's one more problem which unfortuantly can't be fixed- the stripe's on the wrong side!
bumblebee rocks
Things like to come off during transforming. Most specifically his arms & head. The directions are sadly lacking in showing how to get that little lever in his back to go up during tansfoming from car to robot. Almost broke him before figuring it out.
Well for the car mode, it's pretty cr*py it looks like some Playschool thing. The robot mode has it's problems, looks to babyish, but it is pretty cool. Articulation is kinda low in the arms. This toy has issues, but is a fun toy.
Another show favorite, he looks a lot like on the show, is reasonably sized and articulated, and is just plain FUN! Minus a point for the stingers not folding in all the way, but still! Get him if possible, he's kinda rare.
He's awesome! I really like his little smart car mode
Even though he seems a bit large for a coupe, I liked Him. He was easy to transform to robot but back was a little harder transforming back until i got used to it. I like his Robot mode and the face is great. Thanks 4 reading my thoughs on Bumblebee.
Should a 2 door coupe be the size of an ambulance (Ratchet)? No. Other then that, he's a pretty good figure, just more out of scale then Prowl.
I REALLY like the alt mode, but if i wanted a good model car, i'd buy one. his bot mode is just too darn big! his head is enormous, his feet looks like he escaped from a Kingdom Hearts game, and his stingers just don't look right at all.
I like the stingers but, they don't want to stay combined and they don�t fold in completely. Jets are good and I like that you don't need to remove them to transform him. Yes, the "little guy" is kind of big.
Not quite to scale, but great as a standalone.Sets a high standard for styling and articulation.Some bad paint decos lose him a point.
Nice vehicle mode and decent robot mode, but very bulky and HUGE in scale compared to the others. After messing around with him, though, the little yellow guy grew on me. Very nice transformation, but watch things catching during conversion.
The vehicle mode may seem quite pathetic and puny, but the robot mode makes up for it. The jet-packs are placed very well, and the paint application is great. This is a true showcase of 2008 Transformers technology.
Very good likeness to the show but a bit bulky compared to the others I have from Animated which seem more streamlined. Shoulders seem to catch on backpack when rotated in 'bot mode. Overall still a good figure.
pretty cool!
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