Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Armada Blurr w/ Incinerator
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2003
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Reviews - Armada Blurr w/ Incinerator
Again don't have his Minicon, but I like the Blurr figure. He doesn't have articulation, but his face sculpt and vehicle mode are much better than Hot Shot's. The only downside is his articulation, but I guess it's just the way things were back in 2002.
cool figure. love the flight mode gimic. don't like the missiles
Second best-Armada Deluxe figure only losing to Wheeljack
his legs arent aposeable, can only hold his own wepon,and a grouch! horrible
Blurr? More like Blurr-fect!!
i like him but the arms are figety when transforming back and forth!
Very good toy but hands annoy me
not great but good
good toy, looks like it could be a G1 wrecker or future autobot, nice vehicle mode.
Great looking toy in both modes. Guns are a bit fiddly though.
Awesome. Sleek and cool looking vehicle mode. Robot mode is cool too. I personally love all the back-kibble, it makes him look heavily-armored. A wish there was more articulation though.
I really like it he looks coll in both modes but I gave it an 8 because of its lack of poseability.
You got two sides of a coin here, on the one side you get a sleek,sexy cybertron street cruiser with AWESOME fold down wings, on the other side you have a clunky robot with a so-so TF'ation with a backpack of doom, gets extra point for awesome head sculpt
is ok I guess... too much weight on his back makes him impossible to stand..legs can barely move..minicon s ok too i guess ...both could be better
Really turned off by this one. Too much junk just thrown onto his back. dog poo.
I really like this one. Appealing gimmicks, nice alternate mode, overall much enjoyed.
Disapointing. Cool car, cool robot, but transformation too obvious/easy. Toy already becoming loose. Posability not that great. Cool head, cool feature (wings). Incinerator's right arm looks weird. My cat digs to play with Incinerator.
I was impressed with this one. Unlike Sideswipe they did justice to a G1 name. But his mini con could have been a lil better
This guy rules! Awesome car mode, but I still don't know is what kind of car is it? I've been thinking it was a lambergini diablo or a made up car. But he's cool.
It gets a plus up from me on the alternate jet mode, almost makes up for it's back-heavy robot mode. Decent robot mode though. Car jet mode is way cooler though. Incinerator is'nt too bad either, little robot, big bladed weapon.
Hasbro did really well with the coloring on Blurr. The car desighn was sweet! The robot mode sort of had its downfalls. I liked the opened faced version of Blurr from G1. His Mini-Con fits him great...both vehical modes are fast race cars.
Very cool toy with very good robot and car mode. Very cool transformation but he is a little small.
Best looking Armada toy yet. Good Poseability.
This is definitely one of the more poseable, best-looking Armada figures I've seen yet. My only complaint is that the Mini-Con's arm keeps falling off.
Okay, I don't know why you guys took my post off, but I'll say this again: Blurr rocks. If you get a single supercon this year, if you don't make it Prime, make it Blurr.
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