Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Cybertron Cybertron Defense Hot Shot
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2006
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Reviews - Cybertron Cybertron Defense Hot Shot
I like this toy but I just hate how stocky and limited in movement he became comparing to his other toy mold. One point of movement in the elbow and that is it. Two points actually but there is a risk the plastic may stress and break
awesome toy. his autobot insignia is starting to chip off.
a good little figure, but he should have had a size upgrade. love the slot for the knife and the key gimic. so so menny weapons. this is seriously pimp my ride lol
now i have all the hotrod repaints and this is one of the best and those cannon and knife are of the hook
Awesome toy and awesome upgrade from Cybertron Hot Shot. He's loaded with missiles and even better with mini-cons attached for extra weapons. It would have been sweet to see him with gray and dark green camouflage though.
I like him,but regular Hot shot was better
Awesome toy. The battle dagger is sweet and I love all the missiles he has. (I counted about 82 or so) and I think this is an awesome new look. Cyber key power is awesome!
Who doesn't like a transformer with alot of missles to attack megatron?Everybody should like hot shot because he rules and girls dig him.lol
Excellent toy, lots of fun highly reccomended
More like Hotshot Heavyarms....or better yet, Hotshot XLR!!
I dont have him and want to keep it that way. He not only went from a hot sports car to an ugly army transport vehicle but he hardly has any paint on him and looks like a happy meal toy.
EXCeLLENT. I got him when I retuned dlx. Unicron (It would not stand strait). He is a good filler for normal Hot Shot or excellion(which I wanted).
"Living here in Cybertron, fighting Decepticons afar. U got to find 1st gear in your Defense Hotshot car. U dig Defense Hotshot! I dig Defense Hotshot! We dig Defense Hotshot! Chicks dig Defense Hotshot!!!....Nice."
Smacks of Gundam Heavyarms, only with less guns... (easily fixed with the military mini-con team) Considering the missile loadout, cannon, and "combat knife"...
I just got him he ROCKS!!! the sword is AWESOME i LOVE it!!!
I agree with all the 10 people. Cybertron defense Hot Shot is really good. After what Megatron did to him in the episode #26 Revelation, he deserves a new look.
Good figure but I wish he was bigger. His shoulders remind me of Armada Megatrons.
Chicks dig Cybertron Defense Hotshot.
He is neat, and transforms kinda' like Armada Optimus (legs and arms) but the little ends on his guns annoys me along with the long gun plates on his shoulders. But overall, he's pretty goog.
Good figure. Still a bit too chunky. But it's loaded.
I think it's a cool toy, but I'm disappointed with the size class. I think he should've upgraded to at least voyager class. His shoulders kind of resemble Armada Megatron and Galvatron. I definitely recommend buying him.
It looks like HotShot is ready to take all of the decepticon bastards down!! LOVE HIM
he's good i'll give him that, alot of weaponry and armour plus the "sword" thing was pretty cool but hot shot has always been and should always be a sweet lookin speed machine, hot shot is the modern incarnation of hot rod and thus should remain a car.
The best Deluxe Transformers EVER. His alternate mode is kind of like a Hummer H2 with guns on the roof. He has an awesome Cyber Planet Key feature, and I like the sword. He is a little rare, and if they include Cybertron in the Universe line, repaint! :P
I just am having a hard time accepting hot shot as anything but a car. But, I like the design and detailing.
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